We help you create and implement goal-led strategies. From lead generation and sales, to recruitment and event sign ups, Vidsta has the expertise to help you capture attention, and convert views into results.
In a world where the average persons consumes over 10,000 ads per day, how do you stand out? The answer is strategy.
We help you create highly effective target customer persona’s that help you construct the rest of your campaign.
We identify the channels where your target audience is spending the most time and educate you on the best practices.
How do you want your brand to be perceived and remembered in the market? Positioning is a pivotal part of marketing.
We create content calendars that help your team know where, when and what to post to ensure maximum reach and results.
We create production plans that support your team in knowing what type of content to create, and how.
We are a full-service video production company that can produce a very wide array of video types. From brand videos to customer testimonials, to event videos and real estate videos. You can trust Vidsta to create video content that aligns to your brand goals and vision.
We support our clients with drone video and photography, FPV drone videography (flying inside and out) and real estate drone videography. Our pilots are fully licensed and ready to tackle your next project.
We have delivered basic live streams for events, through to major live broadcasts for Beef Australia. Our crew are trusted experts when it comes to live productions.
Our photographers are based all over the world and we match them to your shoot type. This is so that you receive a perfectly matched photographer for your project.
If you need high quality video editing, our crew can bring your footage to life quickly and creatively. We can support you on projects of all sizes.
Our team are experts at capturing the true vibe and essence of an event through videography and photography. We have worked on events of all sizes and can be trusted to capture your next event no matter how big or small.
Our fully-vetted network of over 5,000 videographers and photographers means we can shoot in any city globally. We have created over 15,000 videos and are experts on productions of all sizes, for any goal, channel or budget.
Once we have created your content, we can help you ensure it reaches the right people and generates maximum results through paid advertising and organic promotional campaigns.
We manage your social media so you can focus on what you do best and know your social accounts are working positively for your business.
Our Paid campaigns ensure your new content is reaching the right type of people in the right locations, and generating results for a return on investment.
We can help you create, or build an establish email list through social media marketing. These email lists become an ideal way to sell your product or service further.
Your content plays a massive role in helping your website rank. We can help you get to page one with content optimisation targeting the key questions your audience is asking.
We can create amazing websites and landing pages for your campaigns to ensure we’re achieving the best results from each campaign.
By matching strategically crafted content with a target audience, we can generate amazing leads for your brand.
Our one-off services deliver high quality results, but if you’re serious about consistent growth, you need more than a single video – you need a content engine.
The Vidsta Content Engine is a high-volume, strategy-driven content system that ensures your business is always visible and always growing.