We are building and vetting a global network of talented freelance creators. We provide you with amazing opportunities to work on the type of productions you love.
A platform designed by videographers, for videographers.
Are you a videographer or photographer looking for more work in your free time? With Vidsta, we bring the project briefs and opportunities to you in your location and niche.
Manage your Vidsta jobs in one place.
Whether you join Vidsta as a shooter or editor, every step at Vidsta is managed online. This ensures all of your briefs, tasks and communication is all in the same place.
We match you to the right work.
Our producers will match you to the project types you prefer. Whether that is real estate, events, corporate marketing or sports and entertainment, you’ll only receive invitations to your preferences.
You say yes, or no.
The beauty of freelancing is flexibility and freelancing with Vidsta provides just that. You always have the option to accept or decline projects.